
Everything You Should Know About NCIIPS

NCIIPS Overview

The nciips (the North Carolina Community College IIPS Users Group) involve representatives, trustees, and companions of the North Carolina Community College System and people formally connected with the Community Colleges whose intentions are to benefit, in any capacity, foundations inside the framework.

The IIPS association was made to sustain and advance interchanges, coordinate effort, and collaboration among educational and regulatory PC clients inside the North Carolina Community College System.

IIPS develops proficient improvement among association individuals and endeavors to build the capacities of North Carolina Community College processing clients to all the more satisfactorily procure and oversee PC assets for the headway of instructive freedom.

IIPS Outstanding Achievement Awards

The honor is given on a yearly premise to a gave extraordinary individual accomplishment in support of the nciips (the North Carolina Community College IIPS Users Group) association or remarkable achievement by an IIPS part in another aspect of their life. The individual doesn’t need to be a System Administrator to fit the bill for the honor.

Any individual who has offered exceptional support to IIPS or any IIPS part which has extraordinary accomplishment in some feature of their life is qualified.

Grant Winners:

  • 2021 Marcus Howard
  • 2020 Agnetta Kamugisha
  • 2019 Beth Pulliam
  • 2018 Kathy Gragg (after death)
  • 2017 Debbie Burton
  • 2016 Laura Temples
  • 2015 Nancy Norris
  • 2014 Linda McDaniel
  • 2013 Roderick Brower

IIPS Preamble

Contract of North Carolina Community College Institutional Information Processing System Users Group (IIPS) Preamble

To all the more viably incite, support, and advance correspondences, coordinated effort, and participation among North Carolina Community College Institutions utilizing PCs for academic and managerial uses; to develop proficient turn of events and satisfactorily obtain and oversee PC assets for the progression of instructive freedom; we do therefore build up the North Carolina Community College Institutional Information Processing System Users Group, from now on alluded to as IIPS.

Article I Name


The name of this association will be nciips (the North Carolina Community College IIPS Users Group) Processing System Users Group, and its length will be unending. In case of its disintegration, all possible resources of the said association will acclimate toward the North Carolina Community College System Office or allots or replacements.

Article II Reason:

The reasons for which this Group is coordinated are as per the following:

  1. To build correspondences among part foundations comparative with programming improvements, independently created programming, and some other such data relevant to the exhibition of those obligations and obligations by and large concurred to such PC framework clients.
  2. To build agreeable endeavors, in both demonstration and soul, among part organizations in the administration of PC administrations for every establishment’s educational and regulatory requirements.
  3. To advance and give freedoms to the proficient improvement of staff in part organizations through such studios, classes, and so forth, as may best achieve such closures.
  4. To advance communication with fitting provincial and public associations whose reasons and administrations are viable with IIPS and to support participation in such associations.
  5. To give an assembled voice to impart required programming updates and enhancements of state-upheld projects to the Community College System Office.
  6. To work with correspondences with all part foundations.
  7. To divide data concerning profitable and inventive employments of PC applications between part organizations.


Scope. Participation

Participation will incorporate and be restricted to faculty formally subsidiary with an Institution inside the North Carolina Community College System, individuals from the State staff of the System, or exceptional task workforce straightforwardly and authoritatively associated with both of the above substances.


Lead of Affairs

A President will control the issues of the association, at least one Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such different officials as might be accommodated by the association’s By-Laws. Such officials will be chosen by and from the enrollment at the yearly gathering and inside those systems as determined In the By-Laws.



This sanction might be altered by a 66% larger part vote of all democratic individuals present and casting a ballot at the yearly gathering.

Quick revisions might be made when earnestly fundamental by a more significant part of the leader board of trustees as distinguished in the By-Laws. Such will stay enforceable until the total enrollment is considered at the yearly gathering.


Enrollment will be on an institutional premise or a singular belief. Workers, trustees, and companions of the nciips (the North Carolina Community College IIPS Users Group) and people authoritatively connected with the North Carolina Community College System Office whose intentions are to benefit, in any capacity, establishments in this framework will be qualified for individual participation.

Any North Carolina Community College System establishment will be qualified for institutional involvement.

Every part will be prepared for the receipt of every authority distribution and correspondences of the association, and any remaining advantages and advantages as well, occasionally, acclimate to the participation.


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